BonbonEE: yuko is great but kristi is even better Galileocan: What do Slutskaya and Sominex have in common? HannaH7998: What ChixLittle: oh dear... KurtSkate: Jaime's in charge be afraid ;-) CaliAsian: what WhyMe93: What? Anjule: Jaime is our fearless leader. :) Galileocan: Both wonderful sleeping remedies Tesia: Our fearless leader is suffering from pregnancy...... and the subject is "All Time BonbonEE: they both put you to sleep GGOm1: What's up? Tesia: Favorites"... Galileocan: good Bonbon..... Tesia: :-P, Laura... BonbonEE: who is the fearless leader? KurtSkate: Sorry...had to say it :) BonbonEE: that you are all talking about? GGOm1: Favorite anything? HannaH7998: I think Slutskaya's awful. Sorry ChixLittle: Jaime...let's pick "eras" favorites from the 60s, 70s, etc. WhyMe93: I like Paul's " MIssion Impossible" too Tesia: Kimber (SoulzMate) is our fearless leader... ChixLittle: That way, we can do "all timers" that no longer skate much anymore. Carat4: I like Paul's "Bring Him Home" Galileocan: By the way....just curious.........anyone out there who gave their nod to LU over Michelle Galileocan: at Edmonton? Tesia: Okay...why don't we stick to '80's and '90's, though, to give everyone a chance? KurtSkate: I LOVE Paul's Mission Impossible!! Galileocan: never asked anyone.....curious ChixLittle: You mean...not *everyone* is as old as me?????? SNARA2J: lol HannaH7998: I am BonbonEE: Before Oksana got drunk and arreseted my family could see she was gaining weight and her WhyMe93: Does anybody know where I can get Michelle's East of Eden exhibition number? CaliAsian: not me (about michelle and lulu) BonbonEE: jumps were getting horrible Galileocan: hmmmm....okay Anjule: How old are you, Chix? SNARA2J: yeah, she is still my all time favorite..oksana that is ChixLittle: Yeah...Oksana looked a little chubby at "Too Hot" DellaG: Gal, I think I liked Lu's program better. Her program had a way of just transporting you BonbonEE: did you see when her shirt popped open Galileocan: I thought Lu Chen's skate in Edmonton was one of the finest performances I have ever seen by Galileocan: a lady ChixLittle: I thought *age/sex* was banned from this board!!!!!\ DellaG: to the interpretation of the music. CaliAsian: east of eden is pretty hard to find... ChixLittle: Probably old enough to be your mom, anj :) OnlineHost: GGforever has entered the room. Galileocan: agreed Della... HannaH7998: I agree Della , but MIchelle was cleaner Tesia: Okay, folks... time for a quick rule review for the forum.... CaliAsian: i've looking for it since last season SNARA2J: hi ggforever BonbonEE: Do you guys meet here every mon.? Galileocan: oh oh....RULES KurtSkate: Michelle's east Of Eden is a beautiful program Anjule: Chix, you brought up your age. That's why I asked. :) GGforever: Hi! Tesia: General chat is in the second hour... the first hour is for discussion of "All Time BonbonEE: ok ChixLittle: I know anj....just teasing ya! :) BonbonEE: i will be here always WhyMe93: Yes, I agree Galileocan. I know CaliAsian, I have tried really hard to find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Galileocan: All time??? Tesia: Favorites" tonight... Sorry, Gal, I've gotta follow the rules...:-) BonbonEE: is anyone here skaters themselves? HannaH7998: OK --Robin Cousins --Devils Workshop BonbonEE: i am Carat4: I wish these chats were earlier--I have school tomorrow Galileocan: Yes boss... BonbonEE: so do i BonbonEE: i am 12 SNARA2J: it's only 7 here... Galileocan: aye aye sweet lady Carat4: Really? I'm 15 SNARA2J: i kind of do. WhyMe93: Hi Della BonbonEE: its 10:14 here Galileocan: mee lil Zesti Tesia: Thanks, Gal...:-) You're a real pal...:-) ChixLittle: Hmmm...Jaime...could we add a category..."Favorite Olympic Performance"??? PLAJ: 15 here Carat4: Yep here too DellaG: Hi WhyMe. WhyMe93: Hi Della Tesia: Any category you want, Lisa...:-) CaliAsian: 16 here Anjule: That rhymes, Jaime. WhyMe93: Hi Della Carat4: Wow I thought I was alone in my age group : ) PLAJ: me too BonbonEE: you arent Galileocan: My favourite skate of all times is so will live with me the rest of my life. Carat4: that's good KurtSkate: Fave Oplmpic Performance for me would have to be Kurt's Casablanca BonbonEE: well anyway back to the topic Carat4: Bonbon, you like Kurt too, right? KurtSkate: oops..Olympic...can't spell :) BonbonEE: yes Tesia: What's that, Gal? BonbonEE: !!!! SNARA2J: my fav olympic is Oksana Bauil's long program..... Carat4: Me too! Galileocan: Snara......I think I'm going to be sick..... HannaH7998: I really dislike Oksana. Really BonbonEE: i cant stand it when a few years ago he wasnt as good BonbonEE: i always felt so bad WhyMe93: sorry about all the "Hi's" SNARA2J: well it's my opinion BonbonEE: but now he is so good ChixLittle: Boitano's Gold Medal long program was a good one. SNARA2J: I love her Galileocan: I condolences... GGforever: My favorite Olympic is Kurt's Casablanca, also. And Moonlight Sonata. Carat4: I've only followed him for about 2 years now CaliAsian: my favorite olympic program is elvis's dragon program BonbonEE: but he deserves more than scott PLAJ: I agree CHix BonbonEE: i hate Boitano Galileocan: Boitano's Calgary??? OH ya.........Mr. Concrete Torso SNARA2J: Moonlight sonota for pairs no douby BonbonEE: something about him is just soo boring Carat4: Laura, did you ever post at the Rosie board? (just out of curiousity : ) OnlineHost: MyBrian has entered the room. HannaH7998: Gal -- you never said what your fave was WhyMe93: I liked Brian's "Les Patineurs" short from 1988 KurtSkate: G7G's Vocalise is a fave altime program of mine too. Galileocan: I'd love to see Boitano in an aerobics class.........can he bend? Carat4: I like "Music Of The Night" SNARA2J: whatever......i don't slam who you like BonbonEE: my favorites are all fun programs and he doesnt have any ChixLittle: Agreed, Snara...G&G were great in '94...except for Sergei's bobble on the S&S jump KurtSkate: G&G...ahhhhhh can't type either SNARA2J: yeah. PLAJ: I like that one too Cara MyBrian: I love music of the night Galileocan: ok....ya ready for my fave of all time??? HannaH7998: Yes SNARA2J: THEY WERE TRULY GREAT BonbonEE: i feel soo bad for ekaterina GGOm1: i like Brian B. KurtSkate: Sure Gal GGforever: Yes, Vocalise is definitley my favorite of all time, too. SNARA2J: no doubt. Anjule: Yes, Gal, waiting with bated breath. Tesia: Yes, Gal... we are waiting with bated breath... MyBrian: Me too hence my name Tesia: Jinx, Ann... BonbonEE: when she skates i feel like he is still there ChixLittle: Gal...? Yes???? WhyMe93: G&G were always great! Have you all read, MY Sergei? SNARA2J: me tool Galileocan: Without question.......Underhill/Martini....Worlds 1984 Free skate...a night no one will SNARA2J: too I mean Galileocan: ever forget SNARA2J: My Sergei was wonderful PLAJ: I have read it and loved it ChixLittle: What music was it, Gal? OnlineHost: CARLAFRANK has entered the room. WhyMe93: I liked U&M's free in 1984 too Galileocan: Concerto in F - Gershwin SNARA2J: truly tragic, yet a beautiful love story. MyBrian: I was just watching skating romance II and Ayer Galileocan: Probably one of the best choreographed performances ever.... SNARA2J: yes. HannaH7998: I didn't know U&M then, but I think they're the best right now Galileocan: thanks to Ms. Bezic Tesia: Gal, I've unfortunately never seen it-- but that's one of my favorite pieces of music, so DellaG: No offense, Gal, but from 84 the only think I remember is their Olympic performance. ChixLittle: Robin Cousins free program in...was it Munich??? Tesia: I'm going to have to track it down... OnlineHost: CaliAsian has left the room. HannaH7998: Placid? KurtSkate: I haven't seen it either, Jaime Galileocan: should have seen worlds in Ottawa.......Sarajevo was terrible DellaG: Certain things just stick in my mind, and unfortuntely, that is it. MyBrian: I like U & M too Galileocan: It's the only time I've ever balled at a skating event....(and so was everyone else) BonbonEE: How about katerina Witt she isnt too good any more but she is fun to watch DellaG: Sometimes it's those mistakes. But, I remember the look on Barbara's face. DellaG: She was devistated. KurtSkate: Katarina, hmmmmm...Lemon Tree is awesome!! MyBrian: I just got "Carmen" she was great in that Anjule: I agree, Laura. :) BonbonEE: i love jenny nino HannaH7998: Nino? BonbonEE: mino WhyMe93: Are U&M not going to skate pro competitions any longer? HannaH7998: Meno ChixLittle: Meno, Bon BonbonEE: i know it was a typo OnlineHost: GGOm1 has left the room. GGforever: I like Katerina a lot. My fav. of hers is "Where Have All The Flowers Gone". Galileocan: about your favourite all time Rip Off??? Galileocan: I know mine...heh heh heh MyBrian: I hear just not at Landover BonbonEE: that is a great program ChixLittle: T&D at Lillehammer HannaH7998: Paul Wylie of Paul Wylie Anjule: What do you mean by that, Gal? SNARA2J: i agree chix ChixLittle: T&D at Lillehammer...biggest rip off OnlineHost: GoodyGa has entered the room. SNARA2J: for sure Galileocan: I mean Anjule...someone who should have won and was denied MyBrian: The judges there really did a number on everyone SNARA2J: stupid. BonbonEE: how about brasseur and eisler they used to be great i loved their program when they dressed HannaH7998: Oh --I thought you meant ripping off someone's program BonbonEE: up as a woman and a man Carat4: Goodbye everyone! CARLAFRANK: Does anyone know what routines T&D do at Discover Stars on Ice?...I'm seeing them in Feb HannaH7998: Bye ChixLittle: Also...Viktor over Paul in '92....I'm still wondering about that one. Galileocan: Wylie - Albertville 92.........the guy who couldn't win....just cause it wasnt his time... Galileocan: Pity..... BonbonEE: but it was used to often KurtSkate: Bye Cara Anjule: "Should have won?" In whose opinion, Gal? MyBrian: I saw them last year , they were great OnlineHost: Carat4 has left the room. BonbonEE: and i started to get bored of it Galileocan: good choice there Chix GoodyGa: Hello Room.... TOPIC please? BonbonEE: are you talking to me MyBrian? Galileocan: Famous Egyptian Skaters WhyMe93: Take Five is one T&D number on the SOI tour ChixLittle: LOL! Tesia: The topic is "All-Time Favorites", Jen.... although we seem to be getting off topic...:-) KurtSkate: LOL, Gal!! GoodyGa: Thanks jamie MyBrian: I don't know it's going so fast Galileocan: Favourite Egyptian Skaters.... BonbonEE: lol BonbonEE: that is ok BonbonEE: lets talk about kurt? BonbonEE: ok? CARLAFRANK: thanks Whyme. Any others? Galileocan: ummm.....Cleotano ChixLittle: Favorite dance olympic program...Bolero. Gotta be. MyBrian: Kurt is good thisyear Tesia: What's your favorite Kurt program, Bonbon? OnlineHost: Snowc42 has entered the room. WhyMe93: ONe of my most favorite Roz numbers is Walk Like an Egyptian BonbonEE: brickhouse MyBrian: Bolero yes Galileocan: good one why me....hehhhe WhyMe93: Brickhouse SNARA2J: brickhous CARLAFRANK: I agree about bolero too! Have you read their autobiography? BonbonEE: either that or the new one in landover that was great(sat. night) KurtSkate: Serenade To new all time fave :) Galileocan: I think merit should be given to K & P's dance final at the 92 Olympics.... Tesia: I've fallen in love with "Serenade to Sonia"...he just tops himself every year... WhyMe93: Serenade to Sonja is great too MyBrian: No ChixLittle: Favorite Scott Program: "Walk This Way" GGforever: Lightning Crashes. BonbonEE: Whyme i love your name Snowc42: The new golf number Anjule: "When I'm 64" is better, IMO. BonbonEE: i loved hair b scott BonbonEE: by Tesia: I like that one, Ann.... :-) WhyMe93: Wayne Newton lounge lizard number for Scotty BonbonEE: that was hilarious GGforever: Walk This Way is also my favorite Scott program. SNARA2J: my fav too why me 93 CARLAFRANK: I have the new golf number...I hope he works on it's gotta improve KurtSkate: Yeah, Ann..that's one of my faves....don't seem to have it in my collection though :-P BonbonEE: You guys did not like "hair? WhyMe93: In the Mood, I have that on tape from World Pros back in 1989 Galileocan: about favourite Oleg Protopopov hairpieces? Tesia: Want it on your tape, Laura? :-) BonbonEE: i like the golf oto BonbonEE: too BonbonEE: it was funny ChixLittle: Favorite Michelle Program: "Pocahontas" (okay, call me corny & sentimental) Galileocan: Mine is definitely his blond caesar cut.... Tesia: Gal, you live in your own little world, you know that, don't you? :-) KurtSkate: Sure, Jaime...since you obviously still have it:) Might as well, save on postage and just BonbonEE: Michelle is great at her arabian program KurtSkate: bring it with you WhyMe93: What's your fav Liz manley number everyone? Josee? Orser? Galileocan: oh Tessie.......lighten up sugar....! :-) DellaG: Surprised it doesn't come off when he lifts Ludmilla. Tesia: Maybe I will... ChixLittle: Oleg's wigs are SOOO makes me wonder what he *really* looks like! Galileocan: Liz - Calgary Tesia: <-- joking... who needs to lighten up? :-) WhyMe93: Yes, love that CARLAFRANK: Does anyone know how tickets work for the Nationals? I've gotten info for '98 in Philly KurtSkate: ..Jaime CARLAFRANK: but it's one huge price for the whole thing WhyMe93: I liked Orser's The Lion Sleeps Tonight HannaH7998: Oh God BonbonEE: where is Bonali i hated her she was too weird for me KurtSkate: One of my fave Orser programs is Deeply Dippy WhyMe93: I'm going to worlds in Switzerland DellaG: Individual tickets will go on sale later this year for Philly. Galileocan: luck you ...Why not me! ChixLittle: What the heck was the name of the Japanese city Winter Olympics...can't remember???? MyBrian: Doop Doop is cute ChixLittle: and who skated there? BonbonEE: some programs were very original but not my type Galileocan: Nagano CARLAFRANK: Have fun at Worlds! Hope the US does well WhyMe93: Nagano KurtSkate: Nagano SNARA2J: Nagano GoodyGa: nagano Galileocan: WOW! BonbonEE: nagano ChixLittle: No...the OLD one! Galileocan: lets do it again! Galileocan: Nagano WhyMe93: Sapporo KurtSkate: ChixLittle: ah! thank you! Galileocan: heh hehe SNARA2J: lol WhyMe93: You're welcome BonbonEE: why is everyone ignoring me? BonbonEE: just cause i am younger doesnt mean i am not as good a speaker BonbonEE: especially when i am talking about skating Tesia: We're not ignoring you, Bonbon... :-) I've just lost track of what everyone is saying... WhyMe93: What is everyone's fav Bechke & Petrov #? HannaH7998: I'm trying to read everything but it's going too fast BonbonEE: that is ok KurtSkate: We're not's just hard to keep up sometimes..sorry BonbonEE: that is ok MyBrian: What's younger on line? Galileocan: *sniff* Anjule: Don't be so sensitive, Bon! :) WhyMe93: Sorry, Bon Bon BonbonEE: i am so happy i found this rooom BonbonEE: i thought i was the only one online who was so into skating GGforever: Bechke/Petrov: WhyMe93: We're hasppy you are here OnlineHost: SNARA2J has left the room. GGforever: "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" GoodyGa: How old BobBon KurtSkate: Surprise BonBon!! BonbonEE: i skate for 7 years MyBrian: Did you try the skating message board? BonbonEE: have KurtSkate: You found a whole bunch of us :) BonbonEE: nope Galileocan: Zest? CARLAFRANK: There are so many great websites, do you know their addresses? BonbonEE: that was a great number GGForever? Tesia: Hmm, Gal? WhyMe93: I like their Romance number by Shostokovitch MyBrian: Try it some time you'll like it Galileocan: Zestttt??? BonbonEE: no BonbonEE: can you send me them Tesia: Yes, Gal? Galileocan: I have a confession Tesia..... Tesia: Yes, Gal? Galileocan: I sent a chain letter to havent read it yet MyBrian: No it's on line Tesia: Prolly not, since I haven't signed onto Sesti in ages... CARLAFRANK: yeah, but I can't do it's too confusing. I guess I'll email it later. ok? WhyMe93: Does anyone here subsribe to skatefans or skaters? KurtSkate: I subscribe to skatefans MyBrian: It's in my favorite places WhyMe93: Subscribe Anjule: Yes, WhyMe. I do. Tesia: I subscribe to skatefans... GoodyGa: I do alos HannaH7998: I tried but I can't seem to leave the right message DellaG: I know I do, that is skatefans, and skaters. MyBrian: I get Blades on ice and am going to get outside edge GoodyGa: Skatefans is not that great... people are very opinionated and annoying Tesia: Okay, folks..... what are your favorite new programs for this season, eligible and/or pro? CARLAFRANK: Is Blades on Ice good? I was going to fax in a subscription WhyMe93: I like some of the stuff, there's an awful lot to read sometimes even if you don't read it WhyMe93: all Anjule: I like the variety of opinions, Goody. Makes life interesting! :) HannaH7998: They are all awfu (eligible) HannaH7998: l GoodyGa: that Boitano one with the red and black costume DellaG: My favorite pro's this year, seems to be anything Katia skates to. Tesia: Why do you say that, Hanna? KurtSkate: definitely Kulik's Romeo & Juliette for eligible.... MyBrian: I am going to TOC, can't wait to see Brian's new numbers GGforever: My favorite new program is Ekaterina's "Elegie". CARLAFRANK: I think Denise Bielman's are terrific BonbonEE: When is this room closed? Anjule: "Largo al Factotum" for new pro programs. MyBrian: Anyone seen them? WhyMe93: I like Gordeeva's Bach, Elegie & One with toe work, don't know name GoodyGa: An- Two people on the list just REALLY get on my nerves Tesia: I admit I'm partial to Kurt's "Serenade to Sonia", but I also like Katarina's "Lemon Tree".. KurtSkate: I love being on skatefans...I've learned a lot from the list Tesia: We're out of here at 12AM EST, Bonbon... WhyMe93: Who? Goody? OnlineHost: Snowc42 has left the room. BonbonEE: bielmen is not one my favorites but she is ok Anjule: Me too, Laura. But I can appreciate what Goody said. BonbonEE: i love her spins Tesia: If you're going to talk personally about anyone on AOL *or* the internet, guys, take it to Tesia: email or IM, please? Thanks...:-) DellaG: I probably won't know about eligible until I see Chen Lu (if she skates) at worlds. WhyMe93: I love Tonia K"s new short to "let Me Entertain You" KurtSkate: As for pro...I have to agree with Jaime :-) BonbonEE: what is skatefans? DellaG: Right now, nothing has really grabbed me. CARLAFRANK: Bielman always has something interesting going on. not the same old romantic drivel ChixLittle: Kurt new program: Serenade; Ros: Beautiful Goodbye; T&D: Take Five BonbonEE: yea Tesia: Nothing besides Ilya's "Romeo & Juliet" has grabbed me in the eligible ranks... BonbonEE: what is Skatefans???? HannaH7998: Tonia K"s programs-both - should be in Novice ladies MyBrian: Please, anyone seen Brian's new programs? Tesia: Skatefans is a mailing list that talks about skating, Bonbon... Anjule: It's a skating-related mailing list, Bon. OnlineHost: Snowc42 has entered the room. KurtSkate: skatefans is an internet mailing list Bon ChixLittle:'s all a bit of blur...see 'em too many times BonbonEE: how do i subscribe? Tesia: Email me, Bonbon.. I'll give you the details... WhyMe93: I think Michelle Kwan's number looks the same as last year GoodyGa: What does everyone think of Michelle's new program? BonbonEE: who likes Victors new rooster routine GoodyGa: I agree Why..93 Tesia: I like Michelle's short, but her long is too much like "Salome"... Galileocan: Cock a doodle DUD MyBrian: Not me DellaG: I hate Victor's rooster routine. BonbonEE: i think it is funny but not technical enough ChixLittle: Michelle's "Too Hot" program was nice (that she choreographed herself) Anjule: Gal, please tell us how you REALLY feel ... ;) ChixLittle: Viktor's Rooster is a turkey BonbonEE: he needs to add more jumps MyBrian: I understand he does it in TOC HannaH7998: Do you think anyone will be offended by that little red dot on Michelle's head? KurtSkate: LOL!! CARLAFRANK: Did Victor dye his hair??? WhyMe93: Todd uses too many movie soundtracks for me Galileocan: hee hee........sorry...I just have to open up more... Tesia: "Winter" is one of my favorite Tori Amos songs... she uses the music very well... GoodyGa: Guys... does anyone know if Chen Lu turned pro BonbonEE: do you remember when victor used to do the twist? GoodyGa: Hanna- I thought the same thing... DellaG: No she did not. Galileocan: does anyone know even if Lu Chen turned pro??? Tesia: I don't think so, Jen...she's just having injury/coach/political problems... KurtSkate: Yes, Bon:) CARLAFRANK: But Todd is looking alot more confident. Gotta agree with dick button ChixLittle: Lulu's having trouble with Chinese authorities...not sure what kind of trouble. WhyMe93: No, heard that yesterfay, not confirmed WhyMe93: yesterday MyBrian: I'll have to suffer through it i giess DellaG: There was a story related on the Internet from Interviews with Chinese Officials and HannaH7998: And Desdemona's Dream doesn't exist. I guess she's improving on Shakespeare GoodyGa: Thanks DELLA.. I was referring to the message that was posted... if it was true or not ChixLittle: Todd is looking VERY good...never cared for him much, but the boy can skate! BonbonEE: i hated Todd's waitor outit DellaG: Chen Lu. She has not turned pro. As previously mentioned, the authorities have not BonbonEE: waiter DellaG: left her out of the country. WhyMe93: What does everyone think of Tara's new programs? Improved? Not improved? Artistry? Tesia: Todd's waiter outfit, Bonbon? Which one is that? GoodyGa: I am still not used to tara.. Tesia: The only waiter outfit I know of is Kurt's 'Casablanca' costume... OnlineHost: SKHazen has entered the room. ChixLittle: <---reserving judgment on Tara KurtSkate: GGforever: I still do not like Tara..... Tesia: Hi, Steven...:-) GoodyGa: Hi Steven BonbonEE: he used to always where and it reminded me of a waiters outfit it's not a real one CARLAFRANK: As much as it scares me to see someone so young with so much makeup, Tara's excellent WhyMe93: I think there has been improvement, not enough for world medal though BonbonEE: and it was Todd not kurt SKHazen: Hi, all. CARLAFRANK: for her age...more expression than Michelle had ChixLittle: Hi, Steven KurtSkate: Hi BonbonEE: How about Tara Lipinski? ChixLittle: Tara can jump, but she's still a bit choppy BonbonEE: or is that what you are talking about WhyMe93: Her jumping is unquestionable OnlineHost: Snowc42 has left the room. HannaH7998: Tara can jump? BonbonEE: she is going to be great later on OnlineHost: Snowc42 has entered the room. HannaH7998: How high GoodyGa: Tara is very much overrated GoodyGa: IMO BonbonEE: what happened to Sara Hughs? WhyMe93: Someone said she cheats double axel, how is that done either you take off forward or fall BonbonEE: she was supposed to be great ChixLittle: Granted her jumps are low...but she completes them. Give her 2 years...if she can still... KurtSkate: Is anyone here familiar with Matthew Kessinger? BonbonEE: i agree ChixLittle: skate after growing into her body, then she has potential BonbonEE: no Tesia: I know who he is, Laura... GoodyGa: Who was the girl that beat tara in the junior champs a few years back? Galileocan: No....but I've heard of Henry Kessinger HannaH7998: LOL WhyMe93: Yes, he went to University games this past weekend Galileocan: hee hee OnlineHost: Revjoelle has entered the room. KurtSkate: Have you heard anything about him this season, Jaime? WhyMe93: Sydne Vogel DellaG: Wrong spelling Gal, its Kissinger CARLAFRANK: gotta go, this has been fun-bonbon I'll email you Tesia: Nope, not yet... WhyMe93: Beat TARA Galileocan: I know Della....but the joke wouldnt have worked as well...:-) BonbonEE: is anyone familiar with Tara Miceiko? Anjule: Hi, Joelle! DellaG: I know. OnlineHost: CARLAFRANK has left the room. GoodyGa: Thanks, Whyme.. I thought so KurtSkate: know he's a local boy from here, don't you Jaims? BonbonEE: she is great she won 2nd in the jr olympics? Revjoelle: hi -- this is so confusing HannaH7998: Tara Maceiko doesn't skate any more BonbonEE: i know Tesia: Nope, didn't know that... but that's cool... BonbonEE: she was with a boyfriend and stopped OnlineHost: Snowc42 has left the room. BonbonEE: how do you know her? BonbonEE: i suppose you are from ny? HannaH7998: I'm from NYC KurtSkate: Yeah...they've got his pics up all over Alpine Ice Arena...where we'll be skating:) ChixLittle: I liked that little Hungarian skater at Euros...don't remember her name. Cute. BonbonEE: wer you friends with her? WhyMe93: What does everyone think of Josee's Moon River number from 1994 HannaH7998: No Galileocan: Czako Tesia: Cool...:-) Gotta remember my skates... BonbonEE: i knew her from my rink? BonbonEE: . BonbonEE: no question marl HannaH7998: Where are you from? BonbonEE: mark KurtSkate: We won't let you forget:) BonbonEE: ny ChixLittle: Right...her first name was, that doesn't sound right. WhyMe93: hey, where's the topic? BonbonEE: she was powerful HannaH7998: Do you know Alizah Allen? Galileocan: Anyone going to Minneapolis next year? BonbonEE: rumor says it that she is starting again BonbonEE: no Anjule: Are we still discussing all-time favorites, Jaime? Tesia: I've heard of Alizah Allen... she was a friend of an old friend... WhyMe93: Yes, I am going to Minny KurtSkate: Ann..I think the topic got lost Tesia: Yes, we're supposed to be.... only 15 more minutes of topic discussion guys... what about BonbonEE: Do you know a Andrea Godisman? Galileocan: many worlds have you gone to?? HannaH7998: Is she well thought of? I saw her at Easterns and was very impressed Tesia: more favorite skaters/programs? :-) BonbonEE: you probably dont WhyMe93: Moon River-Josee DellaG: Liz's performance in Calgary was two skates of a lifetime - Short and Long. I remember DellaG: it well (getting back to topic). WhyMe93: Gershwin-G&G Tesia: Yes, Hanna, she is, as far as I know... BonbonEE: who andrea Galileocan: Hey....WhyMe.......? WhyMe93: The man I Love-G&G BonbonEE: ??? BonbonEE: are you talking about Andrea? GGforever: Vocalise-G&G HannaH7998: Alizah Allen I think KurtSkate: *Anything* by G&G!!! WhyMe93: Yes, Galileocan? Tesia: Favorite programs are hard to pick.... it takes a lot for something to stick in my mind... DellaG: Also, John Curry's 1976 Olympic performance is one to remember. Galileocan: WhyMe...How many Worlds have you attended? BonbonEE: i am so tired KurtSkate: I have a lot of mind's just blank tonight ;-) BonbonEE: i am going to be a zombie tomorrow WhyMe93: Reverie-G&G fall 1995 Skates Of Gold BonbonEE: i like Robin Cousins HannaH7998: Kurt == Singin in the Rain Tesia: Actually, one of my favorite programs was from SOI '94-95-- "Five Minutes for Icing". That Revjoelle: HRobin Cousins- "Satan takes a Holiday" Remember that? WhyMe93: A Lot, Oakland 1992, Halifax-1990, 1987-Cincinatti Tesia: always comes to mind in terms of favorites... BonbonEE: i have only seen him once but he was great KurtSkate: Brian B's "Missing You" is a fave SKHazen: Well, I'm not contributing and have a bunch of other things I need to do. So, night all. ChixLittle: G&G elevated skating to a special level...just about anything they did was extraordinary. GoodyGa: My favorite is Nancy's 94 Olympic short KurtSkate: Definitely, Jaime!! DellaG: Night Steve BonbonEE: do you know of any good programs i can skate to Tesia: G'nite, Steven...:-) See you later... Galileocan: I've been to 9.....84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93 & 96 OnlineHost: SKHazen has left the room. BonbonEE: i have west side story BonbonEE: now WhyMe93: My aprents went to Canada last year, Munich in 1991 and 1995-England-Steven Cousins short OnlineHost: MFeeley611 has entered the room. GoodyGa: Gal- 9 what? I missed it DellaG: Going this year, Gal? WhyMe93: was best short that year OnlineHost: MFeeley611 has left the room. GoodyGa: Worlds? Galileocan: Nope............not this year......Minneapolis will be number ten for me BonbonEE: well i have to go i will see you next week email me if you can BonbonEE: bye BonbonEE: i hope to see you all soon KurtSkate: Bye Bon!! Tesia: When I win the Powerball, I'll start going to Worlds... HannaH7998: bye DellaG: I hope to go the Minneapolis, and Salt Lake City. Tesia: G'nite, Bonbon! Come back and see us! :-) OnlineHost: BonbonEE has left the room. ChixLittle: Night, Bon KurtSkate: And I'll join you Jaims!!!! Galileocan: dont need to be rich to go to Worlds!! WhyMe93: I've been to more nationals than worlds DellaG: Or is Salt Lake Nationals??? GoodyGa: Galileocan- 9 worlds or nats... and can I ask.. what does your name mean? Tesia: Well, you need to make more an hour than I do, anyway... KurtSkate: ChixLittle: you stay for the whole competition...or just the finals? WhyMe93: Who, here was in San Jose when RUDY won? Great program Galileocan: 9 Worlds Goody.......I stay for the whole time Chix WhyMe93: The roof almost caved in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GoodyGa: Gal- and you dont get bored? Tesia: 'sides, skating isn't my only nasty habit...gotta afford my other obsession, too... ChixLittle: Next question Gal: How come your boss lets you have so much time off??? Galileocan: My name.................? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its a secret........... OnlineHost: Revjoelle has left the room. Galileocan: Worlds is only one week........ KurtSkate: Jaime.... OnlineHost: CallWT has entered the room. GoodyGa: fine then, be that way Gal Galileocan: Never get bored Goody....Worlds is VERRRY exciting!!! WhyMe93: Hi Call Galileocan: and you meet up with tons of skating pals......its a riot HannaH7998: Maybe it used to be Galileocan't OnlineHost: Railrid801 has entered the room. Anjule: LOL! Galileocan: shhhh Hannah!! dont tell everyone!!!! Tesia: Okay, guys, TOS says we can't insult other members, even if they do enjoy it. DellaG: Gal, are you going to Canadian Nationals this year? KurtSkate: Jaime, that info needed for Toronto:) WhyMe93: CallWT-what are your favorite programs? CallWT: what do you mean Tesia: Cool! :-) I saw it, actually... Galileocan: Nope...only attended one Canadian Nationals....Ottawa 1987...that was it for me......*yawn* Anjule: Great, Laura. :) GoodyGa: :-( KurtSkate: WhyMe93: Skaters programs pro or amateur? ChixLittle: Well...I'm off, all. It's been fun! GoodyGa: byw Chix Little Tesia: G'nite, Lisa! TTYL! :-) HannaH7998: Bye Chux CallWT: I ski not skate WhyMe93: Bye Chix KurtSkate: 'night Galileocan: By the way....the sky is falling HannaH7998: Chix GoodyGa: bye, I mean DellaG: Sorry to hear it was a yawn. OnlineHost: Railrid801 has left the room. ChixLittle: Niters! hehehe....the sky already fell! OnlineHost: GGforever has left the room. OnlineHost: ChixLittle has left the room. WhyMe93: Oh, this is a skating chat room, please stay if you want to listen Galileocan: yep .....right on Boitano's Landover... Galileocan: *boink* Tesia: CallWT, this room is reserved for figure skating chat right now... we'll be done at 12AM EST Tesia: :-) KurtSkate: :-) OnlineHost: CallWT has left the room. DellaG: Wonder if they will have a "Landover" next year. New arena is being built in D.C. Galileocan: I feel Kimber's presence.......... Anjule: It won't be called "Landover" next year. KurtSkate: Yeah...we'll have to start calling it something else :) WhyMe93: Tesia, I'm just so glad I could sign on to be with you guys/gals tonite Tesia: So do I, Gal...:-) DellaG: Only place I heard the roof blew off was in Philadelphia at 68 Nationals! WhyMe93: I ahven't been able to sign on last 5 weeks Galileocan: oooooh ooooh (Twilight Zone theme) Tesia: I'm glad, too... signing on is horrible these days, isn't it? :-) KurtSkate: :-P WhyMe93: Yes,it has gotten better though DellaG: AOL is being sued by the State of New York. GoodyGa: Della- I would love to join the suit Galileocan: you guys are least you get 19.95 unlimted.....we still pay by usage time in Canad Galileocan: a WhyMe93: In Michigan too-Dan Hollander posted in his folder about it HannaH7998: By Gov. Ticky-tacky? Galileocan: LOL.....Wicky Wacky! WhyMe93: Where are you in canada? I have friend in ONtario Galileocan: I am in Toronto, Ontario... KurtSkate: Toronto is the coolest city I've ever been to!! WhyMe93: that's not too far away from my friends Tesia: Gal, we'll be in Toronto in April...wanna say hi? :-) Galileocan: yes......its very cool....right now about -10 degrees celcius KurtSkate: LOL!!! Galileocan: Zesti! Honest? OnlineHost: BCercone has entered the room. OnlineHost: SS8TOR has entered the room. Galileocan: who ya coming with honey? KurtSkate: Yup...she's telling the truth, Gal!! SS8TOR: Hey Jaime!! BCercone: hello eveyone KurtSkate: Hello WhyMe93: Hi HannaH7998: Hi Galileocan: Anyone going to the Grand Prix in Hamilton?? Tesia: Sandi!! Hi!!! :-) SS8TOR: how is everyone tonight? GoodyGa: HI Galileocan: I'll be there... WhyMe93: My friends are BCercone: great- anyone going skiing Tesia: Yep, Gal... we'll be there for SOI. We expect to meet you. Galileocan: Stars on Ice? Nah...dont go to that stuff...only amatuer competitions Tesia: Laura and Ann will be there, Gal..:-) WhyMe93: I'm going to Series final this December in MUNICH, GERMANY KurtSkate: Yup...we're gonna paint Toronto Purple Galileocan: but if you want...I will expose myself in April......(whoops.......what I mean is...) OnlineHost: GFCole has entered the room.